Posts tagged History
Day Trip to Himeji Castle and Hiroshima from Osaka

While Osaka is a one-of-a-kind city, offering an atmosphere unique from Kyoto or Tokyo, it does lack the number of attractions those other cities have. What Osaka does provide is a perfect transportation hub to allow you to make multiple day trips throughout the Kansai and Chügoku regions. One of the best day trips from Osaka, if you are short on time, is visiting both Himeji and Hiroshima. These two cities highlight some of the distinct eras in Japanese history. From Himeji Castle, a symbol of Japan’s feudal period, to Hiroshima, the site of WWII devastation and the eventual rebounding of Japan. Both cities can be visited easily along the same Shinkansen route.

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Why are There so Many Unfinished Buildings in Peru?

Likely one of the first things you’ll notice upon landing in Peru, besides the reduced oxygen in the air, is the prevalence of unfinished homes everywhere. You think: these cities have around for centuries, is it possible that they are still expanding? A quick google search will reveal that it has looked unfinished for decades. With exception of the wealthy neighborhoods in Lima, this problem is widespread throughout Peru. But why?

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